Reviews by community members
Reviews by organizations
thank you for always keeping me updated on local events in the community. :)
-Fizzah R.
I love having the Calendar. I have had it for 8-9 years … I feel that the SCAMA [now UmmahNow] calendar keeps me connected with our communities
-Shamshad Muscati
UmmahNow is a one-stop shop for me to find Islamic events over the next couple months. I no longer need to go to every Masjid's website in my area to see upcoming events. I now use the simple and convenient UmmahNow Events page to update myself on regional events and then plan my weekends accordingly. I travel alot, so now i'm just waiting for the launch of the national version.
-Ali Zaman.
I have finally come across a site dedicated to Muslims that keeps us in the loop not only about the major events that are taking place in our community, but also conferences, classes and programs that are happening around us.
Before I came across "Ummah Now," I was completely out of the loop of these events and would usually miss out. But Alhumdulillah, since finding this site my family and I can plan our calendar of Islamic activities well in advance.
...We are very happy and grateful to those who make this site possible....May Allah reward you, Ameen.
-Jenna Soloria
SCAMA, which is now known as UmmahNow, has remained the most trusted way of knowing what is happening in my community since I moved to Southern California almost 13 years ago. May Allah bless the brothers for their consistent and sincere efforts.
-Waqas Ahmed, Assistance Secretary General and Chair of the ICNA IT Department
Southern California is home to the largest and most vibrant Muslim community in the country. SCAMA [now UmmahNow] provides an invaluable service to that community by keeping members updated on the many great events happening in Southern California and helping organizers plan their events effectively around the busy calendar of community activities and programs. Without SCAMA, our Muslim community calendar would be in chaos.
-Hussam Ayloush, Executive Director of the Council for American-Islamic Relations for the Greater Los Angeles Area
I am very very thankful to you and all behind UmmahNow, it truly is an integral part of our event planning and scheduling process.
-'Atif Butt, Programs Coordinator, CAIR - Greater Los Angeles Area
The idea for a community calendar is genius! UmmahNow helps get the word out all over Socal, helps minimize double bookings for large events and offers quick and easy uploading tools. The calendar keeps getting better, looking forward to the new UmmahNow calendar that ties so many communities together.
-Annan Aboul-Nasr, Executive Assistant Islamic Institute of Orange County
Assalamu Alaykum,
I've been using your service for several years, both as an individual wanting to know about local events in my region, and on behalf of various organizations to promote events to others in my region.
I have found the service to be of great benefit because it keeps me and/or the organization I may be representing connected with the rest of the local Muslim community. In fact, just this past weekend, I met a brother who just recently relocated to the area and wanted to know how to find out what events were going on in the Muslim community and how he could get involved. The first thing to come to mind was to suggest signing up for the weekly e-mail. It's simple, free, and allows you to see what's going on by date and location.
I almost always post events by organizations I'm representing and advise other event promoters to post their event on this service, too. It's a great way to reach the masses with a simple e-mail to the moderator.
The service is a valuable tool. May Allah reward all those who spend their time and efforts in such a way to benefit the community.
Jazaka Allahu Khairan.
-Saaqib Rangoonwala, Islamic Society of Corona-Norco (ISCN), Humanitarian Day-Inland Empire.