What is UmmahNow?
Your Community. Now. UmmahNow is a free online service to create synergy and familiarity in your community. UmmahNow is focused on empowering Muslim communities - individuals and organizations - in the U.S. to create dialogue and interaction with one another and is designed and dedicated to be a guiding, unifying force within American society through infrastructure services.
UmmahNow is a byproduct of The Southern California Association of Muslim Activists (SCAMA) and is in live-beta development.
UmmahNow has increased visibility throughout various regions and is building a stronger national presence. If you are looking for a targeted campaign or a national campaign we have the resources to meet your needs.
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To find out more about pricing for various regions, or for national packages, please contact us using the contact form below or email us at advertise@ummahnow.org.

Alhumdulillah, since finding this site my family and I can plan our calendar of Islamic activities well in advance.
- Jenna Solorio, Southern California Resident
I am very very thankful to you and all behind UmmahNow, it truly is an integral part of our event planning and scheduling process.
- Atif Butt, Programs Coordinator of CAIR
UmmahNow has remained the most trusted way of knowing what is happening in my community.
- Waqas Ahmed, Assistance Secretary General and Chair of the ICNA IT Department